


You stand there, waiting with more patience than many give you credit for. Your suit is of the most perfect blue, looking impeccable, you don't even have a single hair out of place. You're not used to having to wait for anyone or anything, but in this case you're sure it'll be worth it. You praise yourself for being so patient.

But even so, you start to tap your foot and check your watch. Where is he? It was not like him to be late, though you don't even entertain the thought of being stood up. That was not a viable scenario. Yet several foot-taps and watch-checks later he still has not shown.

You watch as bus after bus stops by and unloads its passengers, but he is never one of them. This is the stop you and he agreed to meet at; you know you don't have the wrong place. You don't make mistakes like that.

Ah, you've decided to call him. But as you take out your cell phone you notice someone approaching you. It is him, coming from the opposite direction of the bus stop, where he should have arrived from. His hair is wind-tousled and his suit is a bit wrinkled, and it looks as though he'd been walking quite a distance.

You think he looks beautiful.

He apologizes, explaining that the bus broke down and he thought walking would be quicker than waiting for the next one. You tell him he has to make up for keeping you waiting by giving you a kiss, and after a hesitant moment he obliges, even though he is not as keen on public displays of affection as you are.

With a grin you extend your perfect-blue clad arm, and he takes a second to smooth his own suit, then takes you by the elbow as you head off together.